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Dogs must have perfect on-leash obedience, before you can expect to have good off-leash behavior.  If you can walk your dog (three times in a row) in a busy area with distractions, without correcting/reminding your dog to have good behavior, then you are ready for off-leash training.


Private Lessons:  $150 at our facility; We will not train dogs to e-collars in private lessons. 

Puppy Raising:
This program is designed to help your puppy learn all the skills it will need as it gets older. We raise your puppy in a pack where they learn proper socialization skills and we teach your puppy not to jump on people or bite. We start them on the road to house breaking and teach the owners about their puppies specific needs and learning patterns.

$45 per calendar day for puppies 3-4 month-old (8-17 weeks) 
$70 per calendar day for puppies 5 months-old (18-22 weeks)

Concept Training: $1,000 (7 calendar days) 6months or older
Concept training is designed to teach your dog the concepts of good behavior. We teach your dog to pay attention to you and not the distractions of the world. Your dog will be self-correcting on all trained behaviors. We teach your dog basic dog socialization skills. When you take your dog home you get to spend the next 23 days helping your dog's good behavior turn into a habit. It takes 30 days to develop a habit. 

This program is not designed for dogs that have extreme behavioral problems i.e., aggression towards people or dogs, extreme fear (will not come to a stranger), anxiety or ingrained habits due to age.

We do not offer off-leash training in this course. 

Your dog (along with it's food) needs to arrive between 8-10am on the first day of training. 

Concept training comes with one private lesson. You will need to schedule it for the day you pick up your dog (7th day). We will provide paper work and training sheets that explain how to continue your dog's training. You'll have free phone consultations (on the dog we trained) for the next 7 days during your dog's habit formulation period. We recommend taking a private lesson after you get your dog home. 

If you do not own an e-collar then you will need to purchase one before your dog returns from training. We sell the e-collar we use if you wish to purchase from us. They are $170.

Bootcamp:  Behavioral modification $4,000

This program is designed to help dogs with behavioral problems i.e., biting people, biting/fighting other dogs, extreme fear, anxiety or ingrained habits due to age. We also take dogs that don't have behavioral problems. We train them to be stable and listen to commands in multiple settings.

Times We Don't Accept Concept Training Dogs

Spring Break
Thanksgiving - April 1st


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