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Puppy Classes (under 6 months)

We teach you how your puppy learns best. We show you how to fill some of the gaps in training that we often see in older dogs. We teach owners their specific puppy's personality and how to tailor home training to the puppy. Owners also learn the different puppy stages and how to change their training tactics as their puppy grows. The puppies learn pack training.

Obediance Classes

This is a class designed to teach you and your dog basic obedience skills. You learn how to train your dog to walk on a leash with other dogs as well as the sit and down commands.


Want to build team work and better communication skills with your dog? Rally is a great way to do just that. The course costs $120 and consists of 6 classes. Dogs must have basic on leash obedience in order to benefit from the class.

Rally is an obedience course set up for you and your dog to compete against other participants. How fast you complete a course is not the goal rather how well you and your dog preform each individual station. There are different levels in rally ranging from Novice (on leash) all the to Masters which is performed off-leash. 


Do you have a high energy dog and want a sport that will help you to burn off some of your dogs energy? Agility might be just the sport for you.
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